Friday, September 17, 2010

Feet Up, Kindle in Hand, Apple Slices Within Reach

"Wearing a leash?  Being walked like a dog!  Absolutely, Positively, No.  Don't even think it!"  Tri tells me.  Goldie simply ignores the whole thing, feeling distain is strongest No. 
But that's what Diesel, the cat in Murder Past Due (Cat in the Stacks Mystery) by Miranda James, does.  The "stacks" in the sub-title refers to the Library where Diesel's human works; Diesel spends the day there -- supervising, of course, between naps and snacks.  
A fun cozy read.  Good break from putting away the summer clothes and pulling out the fall ones.  Also a well-deserved (if I say so myself) relaxation after a busy week.  
Sounds like a perfect fall weekend is coming up.  Great for going to a fair or craft show.  Or the local apple orchard.