Saturday, September 18, 2010

Speaking of fairs

I remembered this one: the Durham Fair 1995 -- that's my Fan Quilt  (one on left)  from an

Lowell Quilt Festival Images IV 1993 class, Fantastic Fans with Charlette Angotti.  She is still giving that class; see her website.  Her classes are not only productive, they're great fun to be part of.  I made this quilt for my Daughter; without my knowledge she entered it in the Durham Fair. 

Oh, and the fair is still held every year.  It will be Sept. 23 to 26 this year.  Quickly skimming the current needlework rules, I don't think my quilt would qualify now -- it's not hand quilted.  Perhaps the event became so popular, they needed to limit entries due to space available, which while the popularity would be good, it's rather sad that some must be excluded. 

Anyway, highly recommend Charlette's classes.