Monday, October 4, 2010

Humor turns to Anger

Sat, Oct 2nd, my neighbor got a new ride-around lawn mower.  Now our lawns in this 50s pre-zoning development (i.e., cram as many in as possible for max profit) are less than a quarter-acre, much less -- averaging 40x70 along my street, "handkerchief" would be a very apt descriptive.

So, watching Mike H. ride around killing the proverbial mosquito with his elephant, I thought of it as a subject for a humorous blog post.  You know, along the lines of  "men and their toys" & yes, maybe a subtle, or not so subtle, suggestion that it could be considered a classic Freudian phallic symbol.   

And then he crashed his toy into the storm drain -- smashing the pipe from my new, only 2-week-old drain.  This is the drain I had to put in, in my yard, because the drainage from his new special-permit-required 2.5 car garage diverts water into my yard, and into my formerly-dry cellar. 

If you want to shoot your neighbor, have your defense attorney put me on the jury -- you could confess with Both hands on Good Books, I'll still vote "Not Guilty".